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CE-Hub Lunchtime Webinar: Future Fashion, Future Fibres and the Circular Economy

Posted by Design Studio

4 October 2024

The CE-Hub arranges monthly lunchtime webinars covering a  spectrum of subjects such as Accelerating Circularity in the Hospitality Sector or Pioneering Circularity in the UK Solar Sector.  In September the focus was on future fashion, future fibres and the Circular Economy.  This event was hosted by Professor Peter Hopkinson from the University of Exeter and featured Future Fibres Network Plus’s Deputy Lead Professor Kate Goldsworthy from University of the Arts London, Gerrard Fisher from QSA Partners and Sophie Moggs (Policy Analyst) from the Ellen Macarthur Foundation.

Gerrard looked at EPR in the clothing sector in the UK.  Sophie talked about a report published in the Ellen Macarthur Policy and Institutions team entitled ‘Pushing Boundaries of EPR Policy for Textiles‘.  Kate talked about the importance and need for a cross-sector, cross-stakeholder approach to circular design to include environmental science in this area.  This is the purpose of the Future Fibres Network Plus which is part of the wider UKRI-funded Network Plus in Circular Fashion.

You can watch the webinar here.

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